Use the map below to map your route for visiting the Georgetown Santas at 2312 Georgetown Rd. in Salina, KS. Traditionally, visitors have approached from the south (via. turning North on E. Crawford St.), but we work on both sides of the street! So consider approaching from the north, via Seitz Dr. for a shorter wait!


With some of our elves dedicated to traffic control as well as quality measures, we do our best to ensure the safety of all our visitors and passersby. Lines to our event can occasionally be long, causing traffic congestion and sometimes confusion among motorists. Please exercise patience and defensive driving. Be extra vigilant in doing your part of ensuring there are no accidents.

The Georgetown Santas are not responsible for traffic or pedestrian accidents, damage to property, injury, incurred illness, allergic reactions, or any digestive or dental ailments.

Some of our candy may contain one or more of any of the following: milk/dairy products, soy, wheat, sugar, and/or peanuts. Exercise caution in consuming only items within your dietary constraints. The popcorn oil we use is a blend of vegetable and coconut oils. Caution: While we make every effort to prevent the inclusion of unpopped kernels in our sacked popcorn, some still do occasionally make it into the bags. The candy passed out by the Santas has been sitting in cool, sometimes extremely cold temperatures from anywhere to 1-5 hours, depending on what time you arrive at our event in the evening. Please be mindful that these treats can freeze and become hard, leading to the damage, chipping, or cracking of teeth if hastily consumed. For children young and old, be mindful of the risk of a choking hazard with popcorn, and candy especially in sporadic, stop-and-go traffic where sudden starts and stops may not be out of the question. Please exercise your best judgement for when to consume and allow others in the vehicle to consume these treats.

By choosing to attend and/or participate in Georgetown Santas, you assume the risks and liabilities detailed above.